
There are many different types of garlic. The colour may vary from creamy to pink/red and violet. Amongst the various types, there are also delicate differences in taste. The most commonly used type is white garlic. Garlic is a popular seasoning all over the world and is used in both raw and baked forms. Raw garlic is added to dressings, salads & salsas. Fried garlic is used in large quantities in the Asian kitchen (except Japan), in Middle and South America, the Middle East and in the Mediterranean kitchen.

The taste of garlic changes depending on how it is prepared. Crushed garlic, either raw or briefly fried, has the sharpest taste. A clove of garlic which is slowly roasted has a juicy, nutty taste.

Smoked garlic; White garlic bulbs are 'traditionally' smoked for 8 to 10 days. This extends the garlic's shelf-life, but it also enhances the taste because the juice in the garlic bulb evaporates during smoking. This also gives it a slightly smoky taste.
Recepten met Garlic

Champignons in knoflooksaus

• Aantal personen: 4
• Bereidingstijd: 20 minuten
• Keuken: europees

Koude knoflooksoep

Aantal Personen 4
Bereidingstijd 15 minuten
Keuken Mediterraan

Franse knoflook broodsoep

Aantal personen: 4 
• Bereidingstijd: 20 minuten

Kip met kruiden en knoflook

• Aantal personen: 4
• Bereidingstijd: 25 minuten


• lunch
• bereiden 20 min
• 4 personen

Knoflookaardappeltjes uit de oven

• bereiden 25 min, wachten 25 min
• 4 personen

Knoflookbiefstuk met frites en salade

• hoofdgerecht 
• bereidingstijd 15 min 
• 1 persoon

Knoflookboontjes met citroen

• bijgerecht
• bereiden 20 min
• 4 personen

Lamsbout met rozemarijn en knoflook

• Aantal Personen: 6
• Bereidingstijd: 90 minuten
• Keuken: Slow food

Risotto met paddestoelen en knoflook

• Aantal personen: 6
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